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Úvod - Západočeské lázně a Krušné hory - západ - Loket - LOKET



Negarantovaná informace
Place:Městský úřad Loket
Address:T.G.Masaryka 1/69 , 357 33 Loket
Telephone:+420 352 684 001
GPS:50°11'10,038"N, 12°45'13,322"E
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The town Loket is situated in western Bohemia, south of Karlovy Vary. It is located in the picturesque wooded valley of the river Ohře. The town developed from a settlement below the Loket Castle around the year 1240, under the reign of King Wenceslas I. King Charles IV, who used to visit the castle, granted the town special privileges thus ensuring its prosperity. You can still admire the surviving relics, including the Baroque Church of St Wenceslas, rebuilt from a Gothic structure in the year 1734, St Anne's Chapel dating from the year 1744, the grand Baroque town hall located on the square, whose construction commenced in the year 1682, and the nearby Holy Trinity Column erected in the year 1719. There is a traditional event in Loket called The Celebration of Burgrave Půta - a medieval-style fair with fencing displays, musicians and jugglers.

In the castle there is located a museum which displays features historical porcelain, including products of Czech porcelain factories of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century. Every year Loket Castle plays host to the Opera Cultural Summer festival.

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